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Automatic Market Prices Download#

Hledger-lots can download daily market prices from Yahoo Finance and output as market price directive, so you get updated xirr calculation and run regular hledger reports using market prices.


Add a yahoo_ticker tag to the comment of a commodity directive with the value of the ticker in Yahoo Finance.

IMPORTANT: You may need to add double quotes between the commodity name because hledger accepts only word characters without it


commodity AAPL       ; yahoo_ticker:AAPL                                      
commodity "PETR4"    ; yahoo_ticker:PETR4.SA                                  
commodity BTC        ; yahoo_ticker:BTC-USD 
commodity EURUSD     ; yahoo_ticker:EURUSD=X

For output example, see here


Run hledger-lots -f [journal file] prices. For those commodities that have a yahoo_ticker tag according to the example above, hledger-lots will download daily historical prices in a date range according to the rule below, so the user doesn't need to care about start and end dates.

Condition Start Date End Date
no market price First Purchase Yesterday
have market price Next day of the last price Yesterday
market price later or equal yesterday No download No download
no transactions No download No download