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Output examples#


Besides the transaction, constructed according to FIFO or AVERAGE COST without any manual intervention, you have as tags the quantity and price sold, the average cost using FIFO and the xirr of the transaction, as explained here



Prices directives are printed to stdout, while error logs are printed to stderr so you can append stdout to a file without the error logs

P 2023-04-17 "AAPL" 165.22999572753906 USD
P 2023-04-18 "AAPL" 166.47000122070312 USD
P 2023-04-19 "AAPL" 167.6300048828125 USD
P 2023-04-20 "AAPL" 166.64999389648438 USD
P 2023-04-21 "AAPL" 165.02000427246094 USD
P 2023-04-24 "AAPL" 165.3300018310547 USD
P 2023-04-25 "AAPL" 163.77000427246094 USD
P 2023-04-26 "AAPL" 163.75999450683594 USD
P 2023-04-27 "AAPL" 168.41000366210938 USD
P 2023-04-28 "AAPL" 169.67999267578125 USD
P 2023-05-01 "AAPL" 169.58999633789062 USD
; stderr: Nothing downloaded for PETR4.SA between 2023-04-29 and 2023-05-02


$ python -m hledger_lots -f docs/examples/data.journal  view -c AAPL
date          price  base_cur      qtty  acct
----------  -------  ----------  ------  ------------
2022-01-05      160  USD              0  Asset:Stocks
2022-01-10      145  USD              4  Asset:Stocks
2022-01-20      168  USD             15  Asset:Stocks

Commodity:      AAPL
Quantity:       19
Amount:         3,100.00
Average Cost:   163.1579

Market Price:  163.7700
Market Amount: 3,111.63
Market Profit: 11.63
Market Date:   2023-04-25
Xirr:          0.0029% (APR 30/360US)



$ python -m hledger_lots -f docs/examples/data.journal list
comm    cur      qtty  amount      avg_cost    mkt_price  mkt_amount      mkt_profit  mkt_date    xirr
GOOG  USD         3  306.00      102.0000     104.6100  313.83              7.8300  2023-04-25  0.0200%
AAPL  USD        19  3,100.00    163.1579     163.7700  3,111.63           11.6300  2023-04-25  0.0029%


$ python -m hledger_lots -f docs/examples/data.journal list --output-format pretty
│ comm   │ cur   │   qtty │ amount   │   avg_cost │   mkt_price │ mkt_amount   │   mkt_profit │ mkt_date   │ xirr    │
│ GOOG   │ USD   │      3 │ 306.00   │   102.0000 │    104.6100 │ 313.83       │       7.8300 │ 2023-04-25 │ 0.0200% │
│ AAPL   │ USD   │     19 │ 3,100.00 │   163.1579 │    163.7700 │ 3,111.63     │      11.6300 │ 2023-04-25 │ 0.0029% │


$ python -m hledger_lots -f docs/examples/data.journal list --output-format csv


The error below was raised for a sale transaction generated using AVERAGE COST after trying to use the view command not setting "--avg-cost", so FIFO was used. This command raised a CostMethodError because the cost was not the one expected:

$ hledger_lots -f test.journal view -c AAPL --check

hledger_lots.lib.CostMethodError: Error in sale AdjustedTxn(date='2023-03-10', price=1.3066666667, base_cur='BRL', qtty=-15, acct='Ativo:Acoes:AAPL'). Correct price should be 1.2 in currency BRL*

Missing configuration#

When a configuration is missing, detailed instructions are given on how to add it to the journal


Missing keys {'check', 'no_desc', 'avg_cost'}

Copy/Paste the text below to the journal, changing values according to the need

#+hledger-lots avg_cost:false, check:true
#+hledger-lots no_desc: