Coverage for hledger_lots/ 75%
77 statements
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1import re
2import shlex
3from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
4from datetime import date
5from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
6import os
7from pyxirr import DayCount, xirr
8from tabulate import tabulate
9from pathlib import Path
10import tempfile
11import sys
15class AdjustedTxn:
16 date: str
17 price: float
18 base_cur: str
19 qtty: float
20 acct: str
24class Txn(AdjustedTxn):
25 type: str
28class CostMethodError(Exception):
29 def __init__(self, sell: AdjustedTxn, price: float, base_cur: str) -> None:
30 self.message = f"Error in sale {sell}. Correct price should be {price} in currency {base_cur}"
31 super().__init__(self.message)
34def get_file_from_stdin():
35 tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".journal",delete=False)
36 name =
38 with open(, "w") as f:
39 for line in sys.stdin:
40 f.write(line)
42 return name
46def get_default_file():
47 ledger_file = os.getenv("LEDGER_FILE")
48 if ledger_file:
49 return (ledger_file,)
51 default_path = Path.home() / ".hledger.journal"
52 if default_path.exists():
53 return (str(default_path),)
58def get_files_comm(file_path: Tuple[str, ...]) -> List[str]:
59 files = []
60 for file in file_path:
61 files = [*files, "-f", file]
62 return files
65def get_avg_fifo(txns: List[AdjustedTxn]):
66 total_qtty = sum(txn.qtty for txn in txns)
67 if total_qtty == 0:
68 return 0
69 mult = [txn.qtty * txn.price for txn in txns]
70 total_mult = sum(mult)
71 avg = total_mult / total_qtty
72 return avg
75def get_xirr(
76 sell_price: float, sell_date: date, txns: List[AdjustedTxn]
77) -> Optional[float]:
78 if len(txns) == 0:
79 return 0
81 dates = [ for txn in txns]
82 buy_amts = [txn.price * txn.qtty for txn in txns]
83 total_qtty = sum(txn.qtty for txn in txns)
85 sell_date_txt = sell_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
86 dates = [*dates, sell_date_txt]
87 amts = [*buy_amts, -total_qtty * sell_price]
88 sell_xirr = xirr(dates, amts, day_count=DayCount.THIRTY_U_360)
89 return sell_xirr
92def dt_list2table(dt_list: List, tablefmt: str = "simple"):
93 lots_dict = [asdict(dt) for dt in dt_list]
94 table = tabulate(
95 lots_dict,
96 headers="keys",
97 numalign="decimal",
98 floatfmt=",.4f",
99 tablefmt=tablefmt,
100 )
101 return table
104def adjust_commodity(comm: str):
105 has_non_word ="\W", comm)
106 adjusted = f'"{comm}"' if has_non_word else comm
107 return adjusted
110def get_sell_comm(
111 commodity: str,
112 no_desc: str,
113 commodity_account: str,
114 cash_account: str,
115 revenue_account: str,
116 date: str,
117 quantity: float,
118 price: float,
119 avg_cost: bool,
121 avg_comm = ["-g"] if avg_cost else []
122 no_desc_comm = ["n", no_desc] if no_desc else []
124 comm = [
125 "hledger-lots",
126 "sell",
127 *avg_comm,
128 *no_desc_comm,
129 "-c",
130 commodity,
131 "-s",
132 commodity_account,
133 "-a",
134 cash_account,
135 "-r",
136 revenue_account,
137 "-d",
138 date,
139 "-q",
140 str(quantity),
141 "-p",
142 str(price),
143 ]
144 comm_str: str = shlex.join(comm)
146 return comm_str